Hi, my name is Ben Dalton.

I’m a reporter, videographer, and producer who focuses on U.S. politics and the countries of the former Soviet Union.


Malawi, 2015.

Based in Washington, DC, I have worked on productions all over the world. See some samples here.

A love for history, politics, storytelling, and adventure has been the throughline of my career. I followed it to journalism and full-service production. Along the way, I earned a BA in International Relations from Brown University and an MA in Global Journalism from New York University.

The “polygon” in Kazakhstan, where the Soviets tested nuclear weapons, 2013.


I produce, shoot, and edit videos in studio environments and from the field for non-profits, political campaigns, think tanks, universities, and private business. I also produce live streams for large national audiences.



I have served as the producer—handling booking, research, script-writing, production, editing, and promotion—for some of the most prominent political podcasts in the United States.



I have published hard news, features, blogs, essays, and reports with outlets like Al Jazeera, Hmm Daily, the Diplomat, and New America.

Boats at sunset, Costa Rica, 2018.